
Our hydrovac units are built on a robust Western Star DD16 chassis, it boasts a 13.5-cubic-yard debris tank. Our high pressure water systems can heat water to break through frozen ground. Heated water also aids in breaking down petroleum products when cleaning tanks and equipment. Our equipment ensures that we can handle any project, big or small.

Get in touch

Hydro Excavating

Using pressurized water in a method that is noninvasive to underground utilities, we excavate to create a safe work environment.

Daylighting Underground Infrastructure

We use hydro excavation to expose underground utilities, reducing the risk of damage.

Slot Trenching

Our team performs slot trenching, creating narrow trenches for utility installation.


We safely expose utilities for inspection via potholing, reducing the risk of accidental line strikes.


Our specialized equipment allows us to perform precise jetting services for a variety of projects.

Exposure of Live Gas Lines

We safely expose live gas lines for maintenance or inspection.

Excavation in Frozen Ground

We're equipped to handle excavation projects even in the harshest Wyoming winters.

Industrial Cleaning

From spills to regular maintenance, we offer comprehensive industrial cleaning services.